Blogs and Podcasts

Not even a B- for Bee Movie!?

James’ take on DreamWorks’ Bee Movie.

Disney's Pixar-release Tuesday! Plus: is Bee Movie really a B-movie?

Pixar contest winners, Disney release Tuesday deals, and look for our Bee Movie review!

Alice returns to Walt's Cartoonland!

Hello folks! We start the week with a leap back just over 80 years ago, to the mid 1920s, when a young Walt Disney landed a deal to produce a series of films based around the reversal of the concept in the Ko-Ko The Clown Out Of The Inkwell shorts. Instead of a cartoon clown […]

Ghosts, ghouls and goblins? Either our reviewers or it must be Halloween!

A re-cap of our ghostly, ghoulish and ghastly reviews – and we’re not talking about the writing!

Spooky! Doomsday, Mickey reviews and Pixar contests!

Superman – Doomsday reviewed, plus spooky goings on in the compilation Mickey’s House Of Villains, plus Pixar goodness galore in two new giveaways!

Ratatouille on DVD – Winner Announced!

Win Ratatouille on DVD – Winner Announced!

Pixar Shorts Collection Giveaway – Winner!

Win the Pixar Shorts Collection on DVD – Winner Announced!

Robinsons vs. Transformers

Transformers and Meet The Robinsons reviewed, plus Robinsons contest winner announced!

Meet The Robinsons contest now open!

Just a quick end of week message to point you in the direction of our new Meet The Robinsons contest. The DVD is out next Tuesday, so if you don’t get your entries in soon, you’ll need to invent a time machine to flip back the clock and have another go! Or you could just […]

Meet The Robinsons and take them home – Winner!

Meet The Robinsons on Disney DVD – Winner Announced!

Rumble in the Jungle!

Notes on the review of Disney’s The Jungle Book and the Platinum Editions.

Birdman's back! And so are Raggedy Ann and Andy!

Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law is back! Plus Disney’s Indian feature and a rare screening of Richard Williams’ Raggedy Ann And Andy!

Good g-Reef! The latest fishy tale reviewed…

The Reef reviewed…and more on the way!

Stay Tooned!

Yo gang…we’re still here but I’ve been battling the big bad flu, which has put the dampener on my filling this here front page with anything worthwhile since last week. I did manage to post a review for Ray Pointer’s terrific Inkwell Images compilation of The Legendary Laugh-O-Grams: Fairy Tales by Walt Disney though, which […]

I Wanna Be Like You! The Jungle Book on DVD, plus SuperFriends!

Rand clocks in with his latest SuperFriends review, while it’s a big day for the release of Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book in a brand new 2-disc edition!

WALL-E looks cute!

Discover The Lost World in a new review, plus the latest WALL-E poster!

Plague Dogs uncut DVD, plus Joy To Sky's World

The Plague Dogs to come to DVD uncut in the UK? Plus Sky brings Joy To The World in a fun new commercial.

When good cartoons go bad: review roundup…

We’ve a couple of reviews gone up this week for a pair of unfortunately hard to recommend titles. The Best Of Casper certainly is a warm introduction to the character, but long time fans will have seen much if not all of the contained material before, and there’s nothing here for collectors, who will complain […]

Kermit, Piggy, Woody, Oswald…and Jerry Beck too!

Full Woody Woodpecker And Friends DVD collection review, plus we talk to Jerry Beck, the man that makes many of these sets happen right!

Weekend Update: Tom & Jerry's Tales, plus Casper winners!

Tom & Jerry Tales Volumes 1 and 2 get the review shakedown, plus those Casper contest winners!

Recommended books; Potter beats Bond; plus that Tron sequel!

Recommendations for Halas & Batchelor and Disney Artistic Sources books, Potter surpasses Bond, plus a Tron sequel is on the way!

Ratatouille's storyboard artist speaks!

Pixar’s Enrico Casarosa speaks about storyboarding Ratatouille.

Casper Volumes 1 and 2 Giveaway II – Winners!

The Best Of Casper The Friendly Ghost Volumes 1 and 2 – Winners Announced!

Birdman, Terabithia, and – finally – contest winners!

Birdman And The Galaxy Trio reviewed, thoughts on Bridge To Terabithia, plus contest winners’ names finally revealed!!

Space Ghost, Dino Boy and the great animation DVD summer!

Space Ghost & Dino Boy reviewed, plus more reviews on the way!

Looking ahead to the long weekend

We’re just about at the Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. and Canada (well, it’s actually Labour Day in Canada), and I for one am looking forward to the days off of work. Why? Well, I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of writing DVD reviews for the ol’ site. […]

Looney replacements; New reviews: Darkwing and TMNT!

Looney Tunes Golden Collection disc replacement, plus Darkwing Duck 2 and TMNT reviews and a look at the new More Silly Symphonies fixes!

The roar of the 300 and the whimper of the Aqua Teens…

Reviews now up for 300 and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The latter certainly isn’t recommended…

The Tick returns! Plus yay or nay for TransFormers Bay?

The Tick is back! Plus the future of home entertainment rests on Michael Bay’s words!?

DreamWorks goes HD-DVD!? Plus a More Symphonies fix!

Paramount/DreamWorks announces support for HD-DVD only, plus corrected More Silly Symphonies disc replacements now shipping!