robinsons-r-sm.jpgWhile Transformers attacked multiplexes this past summer to score a massive box office victory, the movie itself left a distinct lack of impression on me as you might have already read in my review that I posted Monday. But for anyone who did enjoy it – and clearly there were a huge number of you who did – I would definitely recommend slapping down a few extra bucks for the 2-disc Special Edition release, which has a terrific bonus materials package that even entertained me and nudged me enough to raise my initial score of just 3 points for the movie to a 4, based on the sheer scale of filmmaking on show.

Ironically, though it made over $500 million less than that film and comes with only so-so supplemental extras, it’s the underdog Meet The Robinsons on DVD that really pleases this week. The film seems to be an acquired taste, though it’s a taste I’ve acquired on this second screening. I still have reservations outwardly recommending a blind buy, since audiences really do seem split on this one and it could go either way, but the charm of the film lies in giving it a second viewing. Like the themes of the movie itself, failing to enjoy Meet The Robinsons is fine, just as long as you give it another go. It’s a quirky facet to the film, to be sure, but it also hides some very original storytelling that takes a truly offbeat approach.

Unfortunately, as our own James R Whitson remarked on the film’s theatrical opening, it also feels the need to throw in some of the hip and contemporary tone apparently needed to appeal to today’s audiences, which unbalances the final result no end. It’s honestly a half-and-half movie in many ways, about embracing failure but striving for success, needing a family and future but forgoing relationships and the past, as well as being tonally uneven between the present day and fun future scenes. However, and if nothing else, there’s certainly some higher than usual ideas going on in Meet The Robinsons, which makes it well worth a rental at least.

Congratulations to Brian Gillette of Thornton, PA, who won our Contest Corner giveaway and will get to Meet The Robinsons thanks to Disney Home Video. Back soon! – Ben.