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Finding Nemo: 2-Disc Collector’s Edition

Pixar’s fishy fun comes to disc in a very enjoyable Disney DVD packed to the gills with something for everyone.

Pinocchio In Outer Space

This 1965 film may be obscure, but Image produced a real gem of a DVD.

Bob Clampett’s Beany And Cecil: The Special Edition

This disc is a real treasure that a lot of you probably haven’t seen. You owe it to yourself to read about the disc then get yourself a copy. Seriously.

The Lion King: Platinum Special Edition

Disney’s unexpected blockbuster comes to disc in an expectedly top-notch package, with a stunning transfer of the film itself and a fine selection of supplements.

Lady And The Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure

Disney’s direct-to-video sequel surprises in its faithfulness to the original, and contains a very nice selection of extras to make up a premium-grade all-round package.

The Art Of Tom And Jerry: Volume Three

The cat chases the mouse into the LaserDisc Archives for Part Three of an extensive three-part Toon Review of their entire career, captured forever in these exhaustive LD sets!

Heavy Metal: Collector’s Edition

The movie may be juvenile, but it makes no apologies for being all about sex and rock and roll. Strong attitude makes up for some weak drawing, and the soundtrack can’t be beat. Add in a pile of extras, and this is simply one of the best animation DVDs out there, a grand tribute to the rock cartoon classic.

Gay Purr-ee

UPA’s theatrical outing isn’t a total cat-astrophe, but the slow pacing and somewhat melancholy mood denies it purr-fect entertainment status.

The Art Of Tom And Jerry: Volume Two

The cat chases the mouse into the LaserDisc Archives for Part Two of an extensive three-part Toon Review of their entire career, captured forever in these exhaustive LD sets!

Dumbo: 60th Anniversary Edition

Walt Disney’s classic gets suitable treatment on DVD, with a crisp transfer and some better than usual bonus features making for a fitting 60th Anniversary package.

The Art Of Tom And Jerry: Volume One

The cat chases the mouse into the LaserDisc Archives for Part One of an extensive three-part Toon Review of their entire career, captured forever in these exhaustive LD sets!

The Jungle Book 2

Disney’s theatrical sequel is merely a DTV with high aspirations, despite its “greatest hits” package feel and the overwhelming sense of déjà vu!

The Rescuers

Disney’s transitional film, where the baton was passed from the Nine Old Men to the younger generation of artists, gets a good transfer but skimpy extras.

A Bug’s Life: Collector’s Edition

Pixar’s second animated feature is an exciting adventure story with beautiful designs, and memorable characters. It also is a great uplifting tale about rising up to one’s potential and working together.

The Complete Uncensored Private Snafu

This early DVD is not up to current day standards for cartoons on disc, but it does provide collectors the opportunity of having all these unique WWII films in one place. Looney Tunes fans should be especially interested.

The Animatrix

Some of Japan’s top animators and directors give their own take on The Matrix universe revealing and adding some great new dimensions to the film. The shorts include: Kid’s Story, Final Flight Of The Osiris, A Detective Story, The Second Renaissance Part I, The Second Renaissance Part II, World Record, Beyond, Matriculated, and Program.


The Toon Review‘s LaserDisc Archives makes sure Balto gets his dues in a look at the correctly framed widescreen edition.

The Incredible Adventures of Wallace & Gromit

This is THE best way to collect the amazing, original three Wallace & Gromit featurettes, with lots of bonus material not found on the other versions.

Treasure Planet: Special Edition

Disney’s interplanetary adventure gets the thumbs up and a nice representation on disc.

The Adventures Of Ichabod And Mr Toad: Gold Classic Collection

Two fabulous characters come together for Walt Disney’s final 1940s anthology film, and the first completely animated production since World War II, that’s full of excitement, mystery and adventure!

The Sword In The Stone: Gold Classic Collection

Disney’s take on the young King Arthur legend, with magician Merlin guiding the boy through life’s ups and downs in an infectious comic fashion.

Studio Idefix #2 – Lucky Luke: Daisy Town and Ballad Of The Daltons

In Part Two of a LaserDisc Archives special, Toon Review looks back on French animators Studio Idefix and their Lucky Luke western spoofs.

Beetle Bailey/Hagar The Horrible/Betty Boop

Two stars from the comics and one from the olden days of animation make for a surprisingly entertaining DVD.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Vista Series Special Edition

Classic toons, classic setting…the Zemeckis-Spielberg-Disney blockbuster almost gets the special edition treatment it deserves in this hugely enjoyable set!

Studio Idefix #1 – Asterix The Gaul and Asterix And Cleopatra

Toon Review looks back on French animators Studio Idefix and their Asterix features in Part One of a LaserDisc Archives special.

The DisneyLand Anthology

Discovering a disc long-thought not to have made to print, the LaserDisc Archives delves into this ultra-rare box set for the Toon Review.

Grave Of The Fireflies: Collector’s Series

A powerful anime film about Japanese siblings during World War II is treated respectfully in this fine 2-disc set.

Uncensored Bosko: Volume 1

They’re not the best cartoons, and the DVD is far from state of the art, but these are the ORIGINAL Looney Tunes cartoons, and for that reason they deserve a look.

Little Nemo: Adventures In Slumberland

The LaserDisc Archives highlights this densely detailed mess of a film for Toon Review.

101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure

Disney’s sequel to Walt’s classic may not burst with that film’s originality, but fans could do worse than to see what’s been cooked up here and will find a respectful follow-up full of fun touches.