Month: July 2008 – page 4

First Ponyo review

GhibliWorld has posted the very first review of Hayao Miyazaki’s upcoming film Ponyo on the Cliff by industry insider and broadcasting writer Hashimoto Atsushi. In his spoiler-free review, Atsushi mentions, “I’ve never seen such a hot air during any of the previews I visited over the last two years. They all gazed at the screen […]

The recipe to Pixar's success

The Hollywood Reporter takes a look at Pixar’s winning streak and tries to break down the reason for the studio’s consistent success. Stability, smarts and techno-savviness are key according to the trade magazine, resulting in an even better-than-projected $63.1M opening weekend for Wall•E, the biggest for an animated film this year.

George Lucas talks Clone Wars

NYTimes has posted an article wherein George Lucas discusses elements of his latest film and television project Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Lucas talks in depth about creating the film and his involvement with the project. The film, set to be released by Warner Brothers on Aug 15, will also introduce an animated television series […]

The Richie Rich Scooby-Doo Show: Volume One

This set includes the weakest Scooby ever, but the Richie Rich stories are kind of cute.

The magic of Richard Todd, and Narnia's visual effects!

Ben met Richard Todd last night and can’t keep still! Plus Jeremie speaks to the visual effects gurus of Prince Caspian!

How Dean Wright and Wendy Rogers brought FX to Prince Caspian

Jeremie Noyer speaks with Dean Wright and Wendy Rogers, the VFX gurus behind the breathtaking sights in The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian!