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Don't Forget! Frank And Ollie Is A Walt Disney Treasure All Of Its Own!

…included. However, until discs start filtering through and specs are confirmed, this information is tentative. Order the {{link New Special Edition DVD}} Order the {{link Original Fullscreen VHS}}…

"Thrilled beyond words!" – Nemo tops home video sales…

Those were the words Pixar CEO Steve Jobs said in a statement to {{link Video Business Online}} today, which announced that Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo has become the industry’s biggest…

Sequel Toons Go Live-Action

…A follow-up to the surprise hit, Scooby 2: Monsters Unleashed will appear next March 26th. For those who can’t wait, {{link MTV online}} just posted an exclusive first look….

Peace In Animation: A Look Back

…from the Harman-Ising short Peace On Earth, to Brad Bird’s “great non-violent animated feature” The Iron Giant. Part 1 of Cohen’s feature is online now, and a very insightful read….

More from Belleville

{{link Rotten Tomatoes}} has a great look at the upcoming animated feature The Triplets Of Belleville with 14 hi-res images from the film now online. You’ll get a great…

Not-so-Cool World debuts on DVD

Ralph Bakshi’s 1992 animated/live-action fiasco Cool World is not due out on disc for a few days yet, but it’s started to get reviews online. {{link DVD File}} says…

Out of print Walt Disney Treasures Collection titles available?

…White\\, \\Behind the Scenes at the Walt Disney Studio\\ and \\The Complete Goofy\\”. The Digital Bits beleives this may be a Costco exclusive since they cannot find it anywhere online….

O Mickey, What Art Thou? Cultural Icon, Perennial Entertainer, or Both?

Animation Blast recently posted a link to a New York Times article online in which the future of Mickey Mouse is discussed. While Mickey is certainly an enduring cultural and…

\\Finding Nemo\\ drowns competition, breaks records

\\Finding Nemo\\ has broken “the record for opening-day sales of home video with 8 million units sold in North America” according to \\{{link Video Store Magazine Online}}\\. The previous…

Model statue from The Incredibles sold on ebay

A model of E, the superhero fashion designer from the upcoming Pixar feature, has found its way to the popular online auction site. The item is described as an 8″…

Shrek 2 trailer debut

‘dizzybloom’ in the {{link Animated News Forum}} posts that the trailer for DreamWorks’ next summer offering, Shrek 2, will appear on {{link Access Hollywood}} tonight. The trailer is…

\\The Lion King\\ DVD sales dwarf VHS sales

{{link E! Online}} reports that the Disney sold 3 million copies of \\The Lion King\\ in its first two days of release. Most surprising was the fact that DVDs…

Looney Tunes Golden DVD Collection: Hit Or Miss?

Rushing around the web this morning is a story that originated at {{link,0,4463883.story?coll=sns-ap-entertainment-headlines Newsday}}, which reported that some first day owners of the Looney Tunes Golden DVD Collection were…

New name for \\Rapunzel\\

The Glen Keane directed Disney movie \\Rapunzel\\ has apparently been renamed. According to \\{{link,,SB106686389992986500,00.html?mod=home%5Fpage%5Fone%5Fus The Wall Street Journal}}\\, the title is now \\Rapunzel Unbraided\\. The \\Journal\\ takes an in-depth…

\\Finding Nemo\\, a Disney/Pixar/Sony film?

According to the Internet Movie Database: “In a report likely to raise eyebrows among those following the current contract-renewal talks between Pixar and Disney, an online entertainment trade publication in…

More DVD news: Space Jam pushed back a week

…and some fans may feel it’s nice to have them in one place. {{link DVD File}} has the first review online, while {{link DVD Toons}} has full specs….

Thunderbirds trailer is Go!

…ultra-cool. Anyway, movie site {{link Cinescape}} alerts us to the fact that it’s now online – a CG packed live-action version of the classic “Supermarionette”-animated show from the 60s,…

First look at the \\Garfield\\ teaser trailer

An {{link Ain’t It Cool News}} contributor gives us our first glimpse of the \\Garfield\\ teaser trailer. According to the {{link official website}}, this trailer should appear online

Polar Express vidgame, Warner to delve into interactive development

“More control and more profit from videogames based on its properties” was the reason given by {{link Video Business Online}} as to why Warner Bros has decided to create…

Walt Disney Family Museum updates

The best online source for finding out about the workings of Walt himself and those he worked with and inspired at the Disney Studio is the one curated by those…

More Rings for your buck…

{{link CNN Online}} just posted a story on Saturday’s Annual Critics’ Choice Awards, where Peter Jackson’s The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King was named best…

AnimationHQ to host chat with Neil Ross

{{link AnimationHQ}} announced that they will be holding an online chat with voice actor Neil Ross. His list of credits include Norman Osborn/Green Goblin in \\Spider-Man and His Amazing…

Frank and Ollie's director speaks up!

…that was widely reported on shortly after its release. If you still haven’t been able to find the disc yourself, {{link follow our link}} to order online, read a…

Suing Nemo: Litigation Hits The Undersea World

As if there wasn’t already enough controversy over Simba and Kimba, Toon Zone alerts us to an article at BBC News Online about an author of children’s books in France…

Seinfeld's DreamWorks movie title confirmed?

…games based on DreamWorks’ upcoming films Shark Tale, Madagascar and Over The Hedge“. Here is the {{link original post}}, while the {{link official press release}} is also online….

Noodlesoup's \\The Venture Brothers\\ wins Cineme TV Series award

…the series is scheduled to premiere on Cartoon Network this spring. \\The Venture Brothers\\ “parodies the 1960’s favorite \\Jonny Quest\\, featuring brothers Hank and Dean, their top-notch scientist father and…

Another packed DVD Tuesday

… Rugrats Go Wild}}, the old-style effects-packed and actually very good fun {{link The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen}}, and Disney’s remake of their own {{link Freaky Friday}}, all…

Mickey Mouse Leaves Disney!!

Online joke paper {{link The Watley Review}}, “dedicated to the production of articles completely without journalistic merit or factual basis”, has posted a fun story on {{link Mickey…

For once: a Pirate DVD that the retailers love!

{{link Video Business Online}} reports that Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl has sold over 11 million units during its first week in stores,…

Pirates Of The Caribbean sets sail for DVD voyage!

Okay, let the bad pirate/ship puns begin: this summer’s surprise Disney blockbuster {{link Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl}} hits the shiny movie disc format…