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Morgan, Chelsea, Mason and special guest host Whitney Grace come together to discuss Rankin-Bass’s 1982 film The Last Unicorn.


• Email from Zora, requesting one of her favorite movies from her childhood.

• Main Discussion: The Last Unicorn

• History of Rankin-Bass, adapting this film and the retro website.

• First memories, major themes.

The red bull doesn’t give you wings (and turn you into an alicorn).

• History of unicorn in folklore. Powers of the unicorn horn.

• Gotta love the Harpy and crazy Mommy Fortuna.

• Things get Studio Jiggling on us real fast!

• List of movies where animals turn into humans and visa versa.

The pirate cat is the best part of this movie! He needs his own Saturday morning spinoff cartoon!

• Deep thoughts with Chelsea: ”There are no happy endings because there is no end.”; What does the red bull represent?

• We rate it!

• Mail bag: Luis, David Lee, Georgina, Adriana, Mike, and Marc.