So, how is the actual package? Well, those who have already read my full take on Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs: Diamond Edition will know that I found the newly digitalized movie a staggeringly beautiful restoration which makes the film feel brand new again. But for all the goodness of the movie and its makeover, I found the supplemental package to be left hugely wanting.
The visit back to a “virtual Hyperion Studios” is almost as immersive as promoted, but the lack of chronology and, often, context, means that we get a great many gems (HD debuts for Steamboat Willie, The Skeleton Dance and Flowers And Trees among others) but a lack of real authority, especially in the many new talking heads. Not definitive by any means, those with previous editions will want to hold on to them for the more authentic 1930s archival material that’s missing in spades here.
Over at Animated News, you may have noticed a statement regarding the future of the site. As mentioned, our ongoing work with Animated Views has left our original page in a pretty poor way, but we are working on permanent and long in the running changes that will see Animated News back on its feet in a matter of weeks. We’re very excited about what’s around the corner, and hope you will be too! Of course, we’re always looking for new people to join us so if you think you’d like to contribute please let James or myself know in the AN&V Forum.
Stay tooned! — Ben.