Rounding out our three-part series on Sleeping Beauty, today we find out how Fauna, Flora and Merryweather worked their magic to awaken the film’s original beauty for this week’s high-definition Blu-ray and DVD release – oh, okay, it wasn’t fairy magic, but still magic of a different kind, as Disney called upon state of the art technology to bring their 1959 animated classic back to life. You’ve honestly never seen Sleeping Beauty, or any Disney classic for that matter, looking so sharp and clean…the result of an extensive process that is comprehensively outlined in Jeremie Noyer’s interesting and informative article.
Jeremie joined a virtual presentation given by Sara Duran-Singer, deep breath, the Senior Vice-President of Post Production at the Walt Disney Studios and Executive Sponsor in charge of the restoration and preservation of the Disney film library, who explains the exhaustive lengths the teams go to in bringing these films back to their striking beauty. It really is a fascinating read, with a few pointers as to what we can expect in high definition for the future!
I’m still plowing through the extensive bonus features, but my review for the DVD should be up over the weekend, so keep ’em peeled, and stay tooned! – Ben.