crash-course.jpgRecently Christian was able to chat to Disney animator Eric Goldberg about his new cartoon how-to guide, the Character Animation Crash Course. It’s a really neat book for those looking for pointers on how to develop their animation technique, even if you’re a newbie to the business or an old-time experienced hand, and most unique is the CD that includes actual animation files that express what Eric is describing.

I was lucky enough to pick up Character Animation Crash Course at this year’s Comic-Con International, and was even in the right place at the right time to bump into Eric and ask him to sign my copy (read all about that and much more here).

Of course we also just ran a contest for one lucky reader to grab a copy, and that winning name is Mario Aguilar of Brownsville, TX, to whom the Crash Course will be zooming its way to shortly. Congratulations!

And y’all have a great weekend, hear? – Ben.