So I’m guessing many of you have already rushed out to grab WALL•E and have devoured the movie for a second, third or fourth time! No doubt you’re itching to get to the extras, but in the meantime we have a bonus for you too: an exclusive interview with WALL•E’s animator Victor Navone, who speaks with Jeremie Noyer about how our hero bot was imbued with a real soul, and his first Pixar directing job, heading up a crew on their new Cars Toon series. You’ll also find a visual sneak peek at that new show, along with some unique popups that allow a closer look at Victor’s art. WOW•E!
Don’t forget that Jeremie’s also been speaking with the WALL•E discs’ bonus animated short BURN•E‘s director Angus MacLane, about the creation of the new cartoon, which we posted yesterday.
Our WALL•E contest closed last night, but keep checking back later today for the name of our lucky winner, who gets a copy of the 3-Disc Special Edition on its way to them before Earth becomes inhabitable – that’ll be up soon, and congratulations! Even if you didn’t win, or didn’t even enter, we still have a bunch of cool clips up on that page, so check them out!
And at the tail end of this post you’ll find another of our WALL•E film fact sheets, today hinting at the many Pixar props and in-jokes for you to keep your eyes peeled for when you watch the movie. Get you fingers on freeze frame by following the “More…” link! Additional reviews are on the way, including all three of this year’s crop of Walt Disney Treasures and Kung Fu Panda, so you know the drill…
Stay tooned! – Ben.