To the Batcave Robin! Today sees the exciting news that the original 1960s Batman, in the guise of Adam West, is coming to Blu-Ray Disc! The 1966 film, shot inbetween seasons one and two of Fox’s groundbreaking show, will be released on high-def July 1 for $39.98, from Fox Home Entertainment. Also available will be a limited-edition Batmobile Special Edition for $59.98, which will include a Hot Wheels Batmobile. Bonuses on the disc will include a tribute, featurettes, isolated audio score, interviews, commentaries, trivia track and galleries. Hopefully, this release, although not tied to the reasons the original series still can’t be made available (even on regular old DVD), will help speed up talks with character rights holders Warner Bros, and have both companies come to an agreement on getting the TV show out there too.

Warners themselves is getting into the superhero mood as well this summer, with a new promotion concentrating around action and comic books. Look for the Wachowski Brothers’ futuristic sci-fi thriller V For Vendetta on Blu-Ray Disc around May 20, with an In-Movie Experience, commentaries, documentaries and deleted scenes as part of the package, all for a very reasonable $28.99. We’ll let you know which other titles are going to be included in the superhero promotions when they become announced. On June 6, The 2007 Academy Award Nominated Short Films, from Magnolia, will feature the live-action and animated winners as well as nominees from about the world, on DVD for $29.98.

Saving the best until last, NeoSuperBlissy has posted in our Animated News & Views Forum that the Spielberg-produced Warner Bros. series Tiny Toon Adventures and Freakazoid are both finally coming to DVD, following in the footsteps of Animaniacs and Pinky And The Brain! The Forum thread has links to our friends at TV Shows On DVD, who have complete episode listings, artwork and bonus details, which will include retrospectives and other surprises. It’s what we fans have been crying out for, so be sure to support these releases on July 29 and maybe a surge of interest will also finally squeeze out that final Animaniacs volume from the Brothers Warner (and their Warner Sister, Dot) that we’re still waiting for!

Stay tooned, because we have another interview from Jeremie coming right up! – Ben.