An odd double bill or perfect comparison of the times, today, as I post my take on the recent release of South Park: The Complete Eleventh Season, an uncensored DVD collection of the program’s 2007 episodes. While I can appreciate that South Park isn’t for everyone, and I have to admit to being late to the party, not getting into the show until the big screen movie and media onslaughts from Chef and Mr Hankey, I find the series and what Trey Parker and Matt Stone get away with to be hilarious. It’s my guilty pleasure, if you will, and there’s still much to enjoy in this latest boxed set of Stan, Cartman, Kyle and Kenny’s adventures, including the Imaginationland Trilogy episodes.

Going back a few years to another bunch of very smart pre-pubescent kids, and Warners has announced a number of new deluxe editions in their remastered Peanuts line. Available on standard DVD November 7 for $19.98 a pop will be You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown (from 1972, and tied to the upcoming elections, natch, the extras will include the additional He’s A Bully, Charlie Brown episode and new bonus featurette); A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (the Emmy award-winning 1973 special, with a new featurette, two downloadable songs and another bonus episode); and A Charlie Brown Christmas (another Emmy winner in which Charlie directs the school play, again with a new featurette, two downloadable songs and a bonus episode). Before that, on October 23, the Peanuts Holiday Collection box set will include the same deluxe editions of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and A Charlie Brown Christmas as above, bundled with the It’s A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown disc that comes out next week on September 2.

Got all that? Good! Stay tooned! Ben.