Yo gang…we’re still here but I’ve been battling the big bad flu, which has put the dampener on my filling this here front page with anything worthwhile since last week. I did manage to post a review for Ray Pointer’s terrific Inkwell Images compilation of The Legendary Laugh-O-Grams: Fairy Tales by Walt Disney though, which is well worth picking up along with Ray’s other animation anthologies, of which we’ll have more coming up.

Speaking of which, while I’m stuck on the sofa here, I’m getting up to speed on a number of other important recent releases, so look for my takes on such titles as The Jungle Book: Platinum Edition, and The Reef soon. What a strange pair of discs to turn up in the mail together, eh? The entire range of the animated spectrum covered right there! We’ll be back with more, and I know Rand has a review or two cooking in the kitchen that’ll be ready to serve soon too.

As always, stay tooned! – Ben.