Hey folks! We’ve a couple of television animation reviews for you today, covering series old and new.

First up, Randall Cyrenne cracks open The Venture Bros: Season Two, the final volume for this Adult Swim program. I must admit that I’ve not ever been able to catch the show yet, but Rand seems to have gotten a big kick out of its spoofing qualities, so I might just have to keep a look out for it on TV. Though the extras this time around sound less than thrilling, fans seem well-served by this set, which completes the series on DVD.

Jumping back to just over twenty years ago (man, that’s an easy way to start feeling your age!) I then take a look at the other animated spook-hunting show from the 1980s, Filmation’s Ghostbusters, now out in a pretty nice six-disc Volume 1 collection. The series will be completed with the second volume, just announced from BCI, who continue to do a great job with their Filmation catalog.

Just before I sign off, The Hollywood Reporter has posted a little more on the Tintin motion picture series that Steven Spielberg recently announced. Tintin was a comic book hero of my Dad’s, so I’m watching these developments closely, and am excited to find this morning that Peter Jackson has been announced as Spielberg’s partner in the project. Jackson has just set up shop at Spielberg’s DreamWorks to shoot his next script The Lovely Bones, which is how he got tapped by The Beard to get involved in the Tintin movies.

Apparently, both Spielberg and Jackson would each direct installments of the franchise, with Jackson possibly also on board in a writing capacity. No script has yet been written, but details have emerged that other filmmakers may become involved in later outings and that the series would be created with motion-capture. At this point, it’s a gray area concerning how good or bad that could look, but with Spielberg’s pals at Industrial Light & Magic or Jackson’s own Weta Digital sure to be providing the technology, we should be in safe hands. I look forward to hearing and seeing more, with great interest!

– Ben.