Phew! After a hectic couple of really crazy weeks, we’re finally able to reveal just what the heck we at Animated News have been getting up to! And we really hope you enjoy the results: a full-featured review and commentary site where we’ll be able to run wild a little more, offer our opinions on the topics of the day, and bring you the most in-depth reviews of new movies, DVDs, events and animation memorabilia from, as usual, our intrepid team and some newly dragged-on-board seasoned writers – all with their own unique perspectives!

Below our Contest Corner – where you could get your little mitts on one of two new Looney Tunes titles – and our extensive and ever growing DVD Reviews, you’ll find the Toon Review, a grouping of archive reviews that fall outside of our regular DVD coverage. We’ll be updating this section as soon as we can to bring you our takes on the latest animated features, events, memorabilia and more!
Persistence Of Vision takes a look back at animation history’s glorious and inspirational past, where the pioneers of the medium fought to keep their dreams alive and reach their goals, while Rumored Rumblings takes a walk past the rumor mill and looks to the exciting future, with all the latest gossip and speculation floating around on the various projects in development right now.

Finally, our bonus DVD sections offer some fun extras: DVD Deals has a run-down of the biggest store-exclusives on new release discs, plus bargain price drops on select catalog titles, and our soon-to-be-always updating Easter Eggs page will keep you up to date with those pesky hidden features! Don’t forget that buying any of the titles listed at Amazon throughout the site will help contribute to keeping this content coming, and you can always contact us through the newly-joint Animated News & Views Forum to chat with our writers, give us your views on the site, or even apply to join our ranks!
As Animated Views continues to expand, there’s a lot more – a ton more – on the horizon that we’ll be adding soon, and remember that our original Animated News site will continue to bring you the latest headlines day-to-day.
So toon in, kick back and experience a whole new view on animation that goes beyond the news:… We’re heeeere!
– Ben Simon and the entire Animated News & Views Team.