In the first of their reviews on this year’s animated releases in the new Walt Disney Treasures line, DVD Toons takes an in-depth look at the second collection of black and white Mickey Mouse shorts. “What’s great this time around is that, with all the more famous and requested shorts out of the way, this is able to center itself more satisfactorily on Mickey’s lesser known – and even rarer – appearances, most of them never before available on any home format”, says the review. “In a way, these shorts are the best barometer to gauging how much the Disney cartoon had come on in such few years, and the direction they were headed. Maltin and his crew have assembled a neat collection of extras here, which should please without overbalancing the main attraction’s content. For anyone with the first Mickey In Black And White set, this is an essential purchase”.
Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse In Black And White Volume 2 review!