Since we reported the domain name registrations that point to the fact that DreamWorks’ sequel to the still-to-be-released original Shark Tale will go under the moniker of Another Shark Tale, we’ve had several messages sent to us from various sources confirming this fact. Nothing can be counted on for certain until we hear it from Katzenberg and Co themselves, but it certainly sounds like this will be the title – the official trademark “Another Shark Tale” is also said to have been registered by DWs last October.

Meanwhile, there’s more news on the Shrek front, thanks to ‘MusicFan’ in the AN Forum. It seems in addition to the Shrek 3/King Arthur sequel (which was known about since mid-last year, when British scribe Ben Elton made it public that he’d been approached with, but turned down, the project), DreamWorks have also been registering further sequel names, such as ‘’ and ‘’, as well as the slightly more odd (but no less intriguing) ‘’, ‘’, and Roman numeral versions for ‘shrekiii.comand ‘’. Could it be that we’re about to get a whole new load of Shrek over the next few years?