While it may not be packed with the kind of features to get more “mature” animation fans excited (where are directors Joe Dante and Eric Goldberg on a commentary track?), the WB have announced the specs for the March 2nd DVD release of Back In Action. Not too much to get in a fluff about, though the new short The Whizzard Of Ow, an “alternate ending and deleted scenes montage”, and a couple of featurettes sound interesting. The film will come in a fresh 2.40:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer, with standard Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, and includes the original theatrical trailer. A nice bunch, but not too much to stop Warners milking more from this title come next year’s gift-giving time, when no doubt we’ll see a better release along the lines of the Space Jam Special Edition (a two-pack, perhaps?). DVD Answers has full specs, and also the cover artwork.