Ray Pointer, who runs the wonderful resource for older American animation, Inkwell Images, is finally taking pre-orders for his wide collection of silent Disney and Fleischer cartoon libraries on DVD! Previously, only the Max Fleischer Out Of The Inkwell disc was available, being a combination of Volumes One and Two from the VHS collection. Now, several compilations featuring the very early work of Walt Disney, such as the Newman Laugh-O-Grams and the Alice Comedies, and the Fleischer Brothers, including new Out Of The Inkwell and Ko-ko The Clown editions, are available to own on DVD. The prints are very likely the best we’ll ever see now, and Ray has meticulously cut them together as they were originally intended, as he reveals in the entertaining essay Finding Ko-ko. The site mentions that “Due to overwhelming response, we are now taking advance DVD orders on some programs. A run will be initiated when 50 DVDs have been pre–ordered”. Get those requests in now!