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searching for "the incredibles"

Report from the Incredibles screening with Brad Bird

…one long, boring meeting during the production of The Incredibles where they talked about nothing but how leaves (yes, those green things on the end of tree branches) would be…

The Incredibles on Ice on "Parr" with Disney Ice Shows

…that keep the audience in stitches throughout the evening. Even with its unique combination, the show has a wonderful ballance of The Incredibles and the Magic Kingdom showing both in…

Around the world with Mila: interview with Visual Development Supervisor Cesar Alejandro Montero Orozco

Our journey accompanying the creation of Mila continues. After the story and the character design are set, it is time to create the definite look of the overall film. That’s…

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

…once the animators got the permission to not worry about runtime, they used that leeway to stop editing the story they had, rather than to fill the extended time with…

Inside Job

Those conspiracy theories spouted by crazy, drunk old men angrily shaking their fists at the sky? They’re real. The world is controlled by the shadowy elite and shape-shifting lizard people….

Onward: A Musical Chat with Conductor/Orchestrator Nicholas Dodd

…will you keep from the experience? ND: First of all, I always love the first moment with the orchestra. And then, there’s this cue, right at the end of the

Great songs never die: how art director Amos Sussigan is crafting the look of Aria For A Cow

…Student, won the First Prize of the Tom Baron Business Competition (for the first time won from a non-business student), and graduated with Magna Cum Laude and the Departmental Award…

Around the world with Mila: Writer (and Director) Cinzia Angelini

…with the help of a friend escaped with the bicycles, the kids still on their Pajamas and all that they could carry. The street they took is very steep and…

Sanjay Patel talks about his Super Team

theme of the story. Lighting the candle, keeping it lit, light changes representing the transformation of the temple from something grey, dead and lifeless into something vibrant and celestial, ultimately…

DVD review: The Incredibles

Coming Soon reviews the Incredibles DVD, giving the disc’s bonus features a score of 9/10. As for the film itself, the site provides another score of 9/10, stating its “bottom…

Reviews: The Incredibles

…keeps on producing films of this quality.” While the positive reviews for The Incredibles come as no surprise, a less-than-positive note about the Cars teaser does surprise one a bit,…

Great songs never die: how director Dan Lund is giving a new life to Aria For A Cow

the theater community is a lot like the animation community in that people get involved first as a fan, but then as almost a keeper of the torch. Both always…


…as they truly were. And that connects us with what he is going through. The yet-to-be-born soul, named 22, may be on the opposite side of the divide, but she’s…

Warning From Space

…populous. Rather than the superbly intimidating aliens in The War Of The Worlds, however, we get the rather silly star-shaped creatures previously mentioned. That’s okay, though, because the serious tone…

Sony Pictures Imageworks’ Pete Travers talks “wonderfood” VFX in Cloudy 2

the look of the scene or objects in the scene based on distance to camera. The farther an object was from camera, the more impressionistic it became. This was very…

Popeye The Sailor: The 1960s TV Cartoons

…Popeye cartoons. The good stuff, as many fans know, are the black and white Fleischer theatrical shorts of the 1930s through the early 1940s (plus their three color two-reelers), which…

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

…running out and Steppenwolf’s army threatening the very existence of mankind, the five of them might not be enough to stop them. And a certain recently deceased caped hero may…

How concept artist Dawn Brown transformed into a director for House Of Monsters

…interpret the themes however they like. Clearly there are broad messages about love, sacrifice, freedom, and inhibition. Using monsters to explore these themes provides for some fun opportunities! AV: Why…


The original Mulan animated feature from 1998 was a great film. One of the better stand-outs at the time the Disney Renaissance was coming to a close by that point,…

Meet My Dad The Bounty Hunter‘s Dads

They’re the ones we want to experience things through, so, that definitely affected our shooting style. ED: We were very specific. Most of the time, it’s the kids but there…

Composer Henry Jackman takes us on a musical journey to Strange World

them, I didn’t analyze the harmony, I just wrote them as they came and felt happy with them. And because the four chords themselves were so unusual, when it came…

Apple’s The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse wins BAFTA Film Award for Best British Short Animation

…rendered in exquisite hand-drawn animation, celebrates the power of our shared humanity Apple Original Films Academy Award nominee The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse won the BAFTA…

\\The Incredibles\\ tops $200 million

According to {{link Box Office Mojo}} estimates \\The Incredibles\\ topped the $200 million mark on Friday. The take is just below \\Finding Nemo\\, which had earned $213 million by…

Brad Bird has “several good ideas” for The Incredibles sequel

…but I don’t have a whole movie yet.” He also admits that the reason Pixar hasn’t move forward with the sequel is because the studio wants him to do it….

Review: The Incredibles

…review lists several interesting tidbits about the film, one of them being a warning to stay after the movie’s end credits. The Incredibles will open in theaters on November 5,…

First look at \\The Incredibles\\

{{link Ain’t It Cool News}} has the first review of Pixar’s 2004 offering \\The Incredibles\\! WARNING – Their review is filled with spoilers so do not read it if…

Michael Giacchino to score \\The Incredibles\\

…score Pixar’s \\The Incredibles\\. Giacchino’s {{link previous experience}} is almost completely in scoring video games. His most well known credit is for writing the music for the ABC TV…

The Incredibles Blu-ray in April

…copy. All the special features will likely be carried over from the 2005 DVD release. New bonus features on this release will include The Incredibles Revisited: Filmmaker’s Roundtable, Paths to…

Have release dates for Frozen 2, The Incredibles 2, and others been revealed?

The Incredibles, but also information on Cars 3 and a handful of untitled movies. Now, on the one hand, the document does look and seem legit. The release date for…

Surprise Best Picture nod for \\The Incredibles\\ from PGA

\\{{link,12589,1384368,00.html The Guardian}}\\ reports that in a major surprise the Producers Guild of America nominated \\The Incredibles\\ for their prestigious Best Picture award. As the PGA awards are presented…