While all will be listed as champions in the record book, only one can win the prize. After applying the tie-breaker, congratulations again to bill_peloquin who got all three animation categories correct.
You must be a registered user of the Animated Views Forum. The reason for this requirement? It allows us to easily verify your email address and to weed out spambots. You never have to actually use the forum if you don't want to. We never give away or sell any of your information. And other than a message to confirm your address (and another if you win!), we do not send any emails to forum members.
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Once you're logged in to the forum, your username and email will appear on the ballot below. Click the checkbox next to your name to confirm the info is correct. If you need to make a change, check your forum profile.
When ready, you can make your predictions in each category on the ballot. Only the first 21 categories will count towards your score. For more information check out the tie-breaker procedures.
All entries must be received by Friday, March 25th, at 11:59pm ET. One entry per person please. If you send more than one entry, only the first one received will be counted. You can view and print your ballot any time on the ballot review page.
A live tally of the results will be posted online on Oscar night as each award is announced.
Discuss your predictions with other AV readers in our Oscar contest forum thread.
Check out past contests and winners in our Oscar contest record book.
And be sure to join us for a live Oscar chat on March 27th during the show. We'll be talking about the people, the fashions, the story-lines, and the awards, and also keeping tabs on who is leading in the contest throughout the night.
Prize includes: your choice of either a digital $50 Amazon gift card for the U.S. store, or a a digital $50 Fandango gift card for use in buying tickets at participating U.S. theatres. A redemption code from Amazon or Fandango will be emailed to the winner. Where possible, we may be able to send a gift certificate from an international version of Amazon if the winner prefers, but it will still be worth 50 American dollars (as of the time sent).