Animated News Weekly Archive

One downside to getting to celebrate another big milestone like our 20th anniversary is that there's not a lot more left to show or tell about our history. However, after some major excavation deep into the embarrassingly cluttered AV archives, we were able to find another dusty bit of long lost content under some old boxes of cease and desist letters and moldy Norm Of The North promotional plush.

From the first week of our launch in October of 2003 and intermittently over the next six years or so, we had an email newsletter. Sure these messages may not be too useful anymore! But they're actually kind of fun as a sort of virtual time capsule. And perhaps some future animation researcher might find the links useful. Either way, they're part of our story and we're happy to be able to move them from the dark, cobwebbed recesses of the AV archives and back into the warm light of our anniversary celebration!

So travel back 20 years with us to see how we covered the top stories of the day!

Subject: Announcing ANIMATED VIEWS 2.0


Although it may have been a while since you last heard from us, we are writing to you as a subscriber to the website. To unsubscribe from our list, please see the details at the bottom of this email.

We take great pleasure in inviting you to re-discover our completely revamped site:

Launched in 2003 to keep the flame of the much missed Animated Movies alive, enjoyed a healthy life as one of the most recognized animation headline services on the web, used by everyone from corporate CEOs to artists at many Hollywood studios. In 2006 we added, to express opinion on Film and DVD releases, plus interviews and retrospective pieces.

Since then the Animated News & Views network has grown, but maintaining two front pages did take its toll! As the first step of an expansion that will see many new features trickling onto our site, we decided to combine News with Views, meaning everything is now under one roof, from the earliest tid-bits on a new animated film's genesis, through the production and theatrical release and eventual home video disc debut.

And now, just a few days past our sixth anniversary (for those counting, our collective birthday is October 18, 2003!), we are proud to unveil the result, a completely new take on Animated Views and one that will continue to serve up the most in-depth reviews of the latest titles as well as keeping you up to date with our Animated News service.

With the introduction of new formats and a further expansion of our coverage planned, we've broken categories down for easier access, including specific DVD, Blu-ray and Film reviews, Interviews, Retrospective articles from our established and new writers, and our new Cinema Classics section, which reviews disc releases of classic and new live-action titles.

You'll find all of that - and more - in our snazzy new menubar along the top of the page, as well as direct links to our latest features, current headlines and the hot topics under discussion on our Forum boards. There's even a way for you to tell us what you think about the titles we cover by way of new reader ratings on the review pages!

We're still ad-free and we're not done yet, with more features big and small on the horizon. So please make a note of the new lack of dash in our url, and spread the word that Animated Views is back, bigger and better than ever before!

We really hope you enjoy the new layout, and welcome you again to the new and - we think - improved Animated Views!

With all our best wishes,
The entire Animated Views Team.