Animated News Weekly Archive

One downside to getting to celebrate another big milestone like our 20th anniversary is that there's not a lot more left to show or tell about our history. However, after some major excavation deep into the embarrassingly cluttered AV archives, we were able to find another dusty bit of long lost content under some old boxes of cease and desist letters and moldy Norm Of The North promotional plush.

From the first week of our launch in October of 2003 and intermittently over the next six years or so, we had an email newsletter. Sure these messages may not be too useful anymore! But they're actually kind of fun as a sort of virtual time capsule. And perhaps some future animation researcher might find the links useful. Either way, they're part of our story and we're happy to be able to move them from the dark, cobwebbed recesses of the AV archives and back into the warm light of our anniversary celebration!

So travel back 20 years with us to see how we covered the top stories of the day!

Subject: Animated News Weekly

10/17/04 – 10/23/04:

Hello, and welcome again to the Animated News Weekly. Please copy and paste any split links into your browser for more info on a given subject. This making waves this week in toontown were…


We’ve moved our official Forum! Please make a note of the new address and come join us to speak about the animated world. Thanks to Jawad Mir for maintaining our chat boards for this past year, but circumstances mean that we have brought the forum under our own wing at the main Animated News site. The new Animated News Forum can be accessed at:


SHARK TALE SLAYS TEAM AMERICA – opening with a less than hoped for $12m, the South Park boys saw their puppet extravaganza entering the chart at number three last week, with DreamWorks powerhouse animated flick remaining at number one for the third week with a total of $118m in the bank. Still, looks like Team America will still make more than the Thunderbirds movie, so it’s no bad thing! USA Today has more:

MAGIC ROUNDABOUT and OLLIE THE OTTER – Disney’s Miramax have American rights for the new CGI take on the classic stop motion kids show, while Ollie is also about to get the book to CGI feature treatment:

TRAILERS GALORE – check out new and international spots for Magic Roundabout, Madagascar and The Incredibles:

THE SUPERHERO POLITICS OF THE INCREDBILES – a new piece up at the New York Times delves deep into Pixar’s new film:

THE INCREDIBLES – another super review:,9171,1101041025-725099,00.html

THE INCREDIBLES – website updated, with all sections now fully operational:

ROBOTS – the behind-the-scenes featurette that went online last week (and subsequently taken down) is featured on the new Fox DVD of Garfield The Movie:

RACING STRIPES – the poster:

OVER THE HEDGE – looks like Jim Carrey has been quietly replaced with Bruce Willis in DreamWorks animated comedy:

ARTHUR – Madonna will voice a princess in director Luc Besson’s CGI movie based on his own series of books:

THE POLAR EXPRESS needs to make a LOT of Christmas dough to break even. The LA Times looks at the pros and cons of the film and the business deal that it took to pull the film together, leading all involved hoping for a $500 million hit before the film can seriously consider breaking even:

SUPERMAN! Following last week’s sad passing of Man Of Steel Christopher Reeve comes news that the next generation of Kal-El, for Bryan Singer’s feature, has been cast in the form of little known TV actor Brandon Routh:


I WANT A DOG FOR CHRISTMAS, CHARLIE BROWN – coming to disc on October 26:

SPIDER-MAN: VENOM – the DVD set has been delayed:

INVADER ZIM – full details on the upcoming boxed set:

BALTO III – it’s official. Wings Of Change will debut on region one DVD on February 1 2005:

KANGAROO JACK – more direct-to-video stodge, as the website for the animated sequel is up:

GOLDEN LOONEY TUNES VOLUME 2 – as we previously reported, the animated short Daffy Duck For President has been dusted off and completed for the new DVD release:

MULAN: 2-disc SE – the disc gets the IGN onceover:

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE LOST DISC – probably not worth buying the two-disc set again to gain this extra hour’s worth of extras:

TOM AND JERRY: THE SPOTLIGHT COLLECTION – be aware that a pressing problem has meant that first runs of the set contain edited and censored cartoons. Warner Bros knows about the slip-up (which is confirmed as unintentional) and will be replacing discs:


JIB-JAB – Co-creator Evan Spiridellis talks about the amazing success the site has had with their political shorts This Land and Good To Be In CD:


THE ART OF SILVER – a new book focuses on the art of TV conceptual artist Stephen Silver:

FALLEN ART – from the creator of 2003 Oscar-nominated animated short The Cathedral comes director Tomek Baginski’s second film:

SEWARD STREET – another new animation blog, this time kept up to date by a working animator:

FRANK BRAXTON – America’s first black animator is remembered at Jim Hill:


DRAWN TOGETHER – the “Real World/Big Brother” formats get an animated spin, with the first cartoon reality show. Check out the hysterically crass preview in this link:

SPIDER-MAN – amongst other news, a second season is coming:

THE SUPER MILK-CHAN SHOW – more strange things coming from Cartoon Network:

SCISSOR SISTERS’ MARY – yes, it IS Don Bluth animation in the new video for their latest single. In close approximation to his sequence in Xanadu and his own feature Thumbelina, here Bluth plays with the fairy-tale of Rapunzel:


“It’s not over till it’s over” – Disney’s Dick Cook on the relationship with Pixar. More speculation on that deal here:,0,3508908.story?coll=orl-home-headlines

The FORBES TOP EARNING FICTIONAL CHARACTERS – Disney, perhaps unexpectedly, takes home the big bucks for their Mickey Mouse, Winnie The Pooh and Pixar tie ins:


Just a final reminder that we’ve moved our official chat boards. The new Animated News Forum can be accessed at:

----WRAP UP----

That’s all for this week, folks! Don’t forget to visit us online at and contribute through our forums:

Have a great week,
The Animated-News Team.


Disclaimer: The news shared in this email contains material and links to other non-associated websites. is not responsible for any consequences arising from the participating and use of these sites, and cannot be held liable for any content that may prove to be untrue, or stories that may later have elements within them changed by the creators of the reported projects. Original content ©2004