The ever ubiquitous Jim Hill Media updates with three great articles of interest to all animation and Disney fans. First off is their latest update on the Florida Disney situation, with actual WDFA-F artists writing in to give their viewpoints on the whole situation (which makes the whole Disney corporate machine appear rather Dilbert-esque). Seems some of them were also aware of the glut of Disney movies in the last few years, but is laying them off going to solve anything? If you don’t like hard-hitting articles then pass this one up.

Second is an article by Aaron Michael Gordon which offers up an opinion “as to why the Mouse House appears to be going to the dogs.”

And third, we have a great article that does nothing more than point out three great websites to check out. My favorite of the three is Laughing Mouse which parodies several Disney fansites such as Laughing Place, Mice Age, and, of course, Jim Hill Media. Jim’s response? “It’s all in good fun, people. Besides, pompous windbags like myself HAVE TO be deflated every now and then.”