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You guys asked for it and we delivered! In our very first listener-request episode, The Rotoscopers review, discuss, dissect, analyze, and goof around with Disney’s 1998 film Mulan.


• Feeling gypped by Disney’s Netflix offering.

• Nerdy Couch Discussion: Disney Princess 2013 redesigns

• Mulan with blue eyes?!, Whitewashing the Princesses, Disney redesigns over the years, crazy curls, plastic surgery.

• Main Discussion: Disney’s Mulan.

• Basic info, what are the directors doing now?, “This movie’s awesome!”

• Animation laws of the universe: Thou shalt make a crappy DVD cover.

• Animation style and design is very modern, yet true to Asian aesthetics.

• Act 1: cool intro, big fan of Shan Yu, Mulan = typical Disney oddball, how do you get the matchmaker job?, hair cutting scene music.

• Act 2: Pokémon style guardian battle, what happened to the great stone dragon?, Mushu = facilitator, no villain song, Shang just wants to impress his dad, I’ll Make A Man Out of You is Mulan’s transformation song, swimming scene.

• Act 3: Huns battle on the mountain, very Star Wars, Chinese-made rope, “apparently there’s a hidden Mickey…”, Animation Law #2: Disney women must not have short rule, “It’s ok to cross dress”, Jafar giving Shan Yu villain tips, letter of the law (Chi-Fu) vs. spirit of the law (Emperor), no love story, strange “party” ending.

• We rate it!

• Bloopers: Rotoscopers pledge, DreamWorks woes, quotes.