FOX already dominates the market in late-night and prime time adult animation with Animation Domination on the Sunday night block. The Big Cartoon Database Blog reports that FOX is setting its sights on “cre­at[ing] a new unit to over­see the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of alter­na­tive ani­mated series, shorts and user-adapted mate­r­ial for a brand new late-night ani­mated pro­gram­ming block and new dig­i­tal multi-platform net­work.” Nick Wei­den­feld, for­mer head of pro­gram devel­op­ment for Adult Swim, will run the new unit. It will be available on all digital platforms and fans will be able to submit their own content with the possibility of it being picked up by FOX for syndication. New talent will be able to open doors that they might have never reached through this new interactive venture.