IO9 reports that Michael Chabon, author of books such as The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay and The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, has signed on to rewrite the script for Disney’s big-screen adaption of A Princess of Mars, the first of eleven books in the John Carter saga. According to Chabon, “I’ve been hired to do some revisions to an already strong script by Andrew Stanton and Mark Andrews,” Chabon said. “I wrote my original screenplay The Martian Agent back in 1995 because I wished I could do Burroughs’s Barsoom. So this is pretty much a dream come true for me.” The article however suggests that it is unclear whether Chabon will be revising the first draft which was completed by Stanton and Mark Andrews in 2008 or completely rewriting the script. The movie is currently set for a 2012 release.
John Carter of Mars gets a new screenwriter