Courtesy of Box Office Mojo:
4) The Simpsons Movie with $6,829,648, averaging $2,159 over 3,162 theaters ($165,271,443 total; 4th week)
16) Ratatouille with $1,643,850, averaging $1,171 over 1,403 theaters ($196,620,846 total; 8th week)
32) Surf’s Up with $159,208, averaging $674 over 236 theaters ($58,645,467 total; 11th week)
57) Meet the Robinsons with $29,136, averaging $422 over 69 theaters ($97,755,357 total; 21st week)
85) Paprika with $3,353, averaging $372 over 9 theaters ($793,784 total; 13th week)
U.S. box office actuals: August 17–19, 2007