Forbes Magazine has composed a list of the richest fifteen fictional characters. Animated and sometimes-animated faces in the lineup include: Santa Clause, worth “infinity”; Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks, worth $27.3 billion; Richie Rich, worth $17 billion; Lex Luthor, worth $10.1 billion; Charles Montgomery Burns, worth $8.4 billion; Scrooge McDuck, worth $8.2 billion; Bruce Wayne, worth $6.5 billion; Thurston Howell III, worth $5.7 billion; Willy Wonka, worth $2.3 billion; Ebenezer Scrooge, worth $1.7 billion; Lara Croft, worth $1 billion; and Cruella De Vil, worth $1 billion.

UPDATE! Christopher from the blog writes that compared to the detailed version found at, an easier-to-read list of the Forbes Fictional Fifteen may be found at