Cars_pic (29k image)Jim Hill’s latest article reveals some interesting tidbits about Cars, Pixar’s entry for next summer. First of all, more details are given regarding the characters that George Carlin, R. Lee Emery, and National Public Radio’s Car Talk stars Tom & Ray Magliozzi will be voicing. Furthermore, it is noted that Cars director John Lassetter’s favorite character in the film is Red, a silent fire truck that avoids confrontation and conflict, while also mentioning that in the film’s finale, viewers should keep an eye out for cars that resemble a certain lovable duo from Toy Story. Speaking of which, the article finishes with the buzz around Steve Jobs’ and John Lassetter’s opinion of Disney’s concept for Toy Story 3. Reportedly, the pair are fine with the idea of another Toy Story movie and that Disney is animating it. However, Jobs and Lassetter supposedly hate the screenplay for Toy Story 3, wanting their own idea for the sequel to be brought to the big screen- an idea that revolves around Jessie, the yodeling cowgirl, rather than Woody or Buzz.