As IGN’s PS2 page says, “Avast, ye Kingdom Hearts fans! At Square Enix’s E3 conference, one of the surprises in the unveiling was that Jack Sparrow, the drunken mess of a pirate from the movie Pirates Of The Caribbean, would be in the upcoming KH sequel”. It is not clear at this time whether Johnny Depp would reprise his role for the videogame character, but seeing as he’s currently filming the movie sequels back-to-back, it is not out of the realms of possibility. Teasing the game, an official Japanese website recently went live for the game, while Buena Vista Games have also revealed their complete lineup of titles for this year, including game debuts for The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, Chicken Little and Herbie, plus new lines based on Cinderella, Kim Possible and Lizzie McGuire, plus the long-awaited follow-ups to The Nightmare Before Christmas: the sequel Oogie’s Revenge and The Pumpkin King for Game Boy Advance.