Fox Home Entertainment, via DVD Answers, has announced the Garfield Special Edition DVD, clawing into stores on December 6, 2005. Presenting the film in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 track, the DVD will boast such features as: an audio commentary by director Peter Hewitt and John Davis, a Garfield Movie: Inside Look featurette, two interactive games entitled ‘Find Odie Maze Game’ and ‘Mixing Moments’, a deleted scenes reel, a Garfield: Bringing The Cat To Life featurette, a multi-angle feature, a Birth Of Garfield featurette, a Rise Of Garfield featurette, a Garfield: From Strip To Script featurette, an ‘Illustrated Technical Commentary’, five multi-angle ‘Garfield Composite Workshop’ segments, a Baha Men music video, and four multi-angle ‘storyboard to film’ comparison segments.