As we reported around one year ago, Ralph Bakshi’s 1983 animated feature Fire And Ice is coming to disc, and specs for a limited edition release have been revealed. Despite the fact Bakshi publicly stated that his commentary for Fox’s release last year of Wizards would be the only one he was likely do to for any of his films, the new Fire And Ice DVD will indeed contain a new feature-length track with the director. As well as an HD-remastered and restored widescreen transfer and remixed DTS 6.1 surround sound, extras include a ‘making of’, stills, the theatrical trailer, plus a featurette and full-length documentary on Frank Frazetta, Painting With Fire, which looks at the lengendary fantasy artist on whose work (including Conan The Barbarian amongst others) the film was based. Fire And Ice: 2-Disc Limited Edition is scheduled for release on August 30 2005. More details and cover art at DVD Toons.