Some good news for Gargoyles fans – you could (even inadvertantly) be in the Season 1 DVD set of Gargoyles – scheduled for a 10th Anniversary release this autumn!! TV Shows on DVD relays an exciting message from Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman posted at the “Ask Greg” column of the Station 8 Gargoyles Fan Site. “I’ve just been informed that Disney is sending a video crew to The Gathering of the Gargoyles, our annual convention, to tape the fans, guests, events, etc. for the ‘Extras’ section of the DVD. That means if you attend the convention this August 6th-8th in Montréal, you have a chance to actually be on the DVD! Let that sink in for a second…” If you’re interested in the event, check out the con’s website here. However, TV Shows on DVD does warn, “Bear in mind that there are no guarantees: plans for DVD supplements change all the time, and this might not end up on the release after all. Or they might decide to push it to one of the later season releases (which may or may not happen, depending on sales of the Season 1 compilation). These things probably won’t happen, but consider this a ‘disclaimer’ in case they do!”