Newsweek takes a look at the escalating pressure on Disney CEO Michael Eisner to deliver at this week’s shareholder’s meeting, just as new rumors come in of a revised and improved Comcast bid, possibly due to land in Eisner’s lap the morning of the Wednesday meeting, coincidentally enough in Comcast’s home town of Philadelphia. Toon Zone points to a New York Times piece that puts the Disney board rallying behind Eisner. “The newspaper says the board is already discounting announcements by major pension funds that they will vote against Eisner, dismissing them as posturing by politicians looking for a spotlight”. Business Wire reprints the letter sent from the board to shareholders, which also includes a “glowing” account of Eisner’s reign at the Mouse House by David Kirkpatrick, written for Variety. Meanwhile, Roy Disney and Stanley Gold’s alternate shareholder’s meeting is taking place today in the same city.