‘MusicFan’ in tha AN Forums has pointed to The Futon Critic, which announces a new animated comedy. “In its continued commitment to developing original animated programs for men, Spike TV debuts a topical series, This Just In, following real-life current events as they happen. Created by Steve Marmel, stand-up comic and producer/head writer of Nickelodeon’s hit show, The Fairly Odd Parents and Kevin Kay, Executive Vice President of Production & Programming, the weekly series debuts on Sunday, March 14 (10:30-11:00 PM, ET/PT). Check out the look of the show and the characters at Spike’s official site.

‘MusicFan’ also links to The Futon Critic for another announcement, this time for Blue Aloha, an animated family comedy set in Hawaii coming to Fox from Brent Forrester (The Simpsons). “The news marks Fox’s fifth animated project in development as Blue Aloha joins Seth MacFarlane’s American Dad, a small screen version of the comic strip The Boondocks and untitled projects from Phil Hendrie and Jonathan Katz”. Here’s the Futon page – and thanks to ‘MusicFan’ again!