In the second of their reviews on the animated titles in this year’s Walt Disney Treasures series – all out in stores from today – DVD Toons opens up The Complete Pluto: Volume One, describing the set as “light”. The review comments that “this earlier selection from Pluto’s career yields some odd choices. While the Treasures have been good so far in holding off on repeating material between sets, The Complete Pluto seems happy to duplicate certain cartoons from previous editions. Therefore, and with this in mind, it’s a real shame that some of Pluto’s more important milestones (and certainly those that should be included in a set dedicated to his output) are missing. As such, the earlier Mickey and the Donald-series cartoons could have been dropped and Pluto’s real filmography (as in the complete Pluto-only series) could have easily been included, Goofy style, in the one set”. As for the extras, the review ends by simply stating that “It’s not bare bones, but for a Walt Disney Treasure, my bowl certainly feels a little empty”.