Although both films have yet to see theatrical release, rumors are rife that this summer’s two big animated comedies, Home On The Range (opening April 2) and Shrek 2 (May 21) look like they’ll be heading to disc by the end of the year. As yet unconfirmed by the Studios, of course, sources say that DreamWorks are eyeing October for the green ogre’s return to homes, using the opportunity to cross-promote with their then new theatrical release SharkTale, while Disney is looking at late November/early December to issue it’s final 2D-animated feature on DVD. This makes sense when one factors in last year’s enormous success of November’s release of Finding Nemo and the December double whammy of Pirates Of The Caribbean and Freaky Friday. No specs set yet for the new two, although they are being worked on as the films are being prepared, and look for each to be 2-disc sets.