rex-steele-dvd (12k image)We’ve been championing Rex Steele: Nazi Smasher on the web ever since it started creeping into film festivals, but the availability of the short on disc has seen a much wider audience able to lap up Rex’s adventures. DVD Toons reviews the package, reporting that “any project that dresses itself up in such a professional way deserves to be reviewed in the same light as its bigger studio brothers. Thankfully, for the most part, Rex succeeds, and it is impossible just to think of this simply as a ‘student film’. Production values are top notch. Quality on the behind the scenes clips varies, and sound is an issue, but if it doesn’t hit the high marks set by studio fare, then one must check again that this is not studio fare, but an honest attempt by a group of guys to open up their production process, and that must be applauded. A compact disc of the score is another bow in this package’s arrow, there’s nothing like letting the music speak for itself. Consider this a wake-up call: Rex Steele is one of the most enjoyable ten minutes you are likely to encounter this year, and this Nazi Smasher certainly deserves a spot on your shelf!” Buy Rex from the official website.