Animation independent Raven Tales Productions has been short listed to be the recipient of a $10,000 completion grant from National Geographic’s All Roads Film Project, as stated in the company’s press release. “The $10,000 grant will allow completion and distribution of the first computer animated film written, produced, designed, voiced by and directed by an all Canadian/aboriginal team. Raven Tales follows the comic misadventures of Raven and his friends Eagle and Frog among the first people and the strange creatures at the beginning of the world”. Follow this link for more details and work in progress images:

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May 20, 2004 Vancouver B.C./Calgary Alberta/Las Cruces, New Mexico – Raven Tales Productions has been short listed to be the recipient of a $10,000 completion grant from National Geographic’s All Roads Film Project. The $10,000 grant will allow completion and distribution of the first computer animated film written, produced, designed, voiced by and directed by an all Canadian/aboriginal team.

Raven Tales follows the comic misadventures of Raven and his friends Eagle and Frog among the first people and the strange creatures at the beginning of the world. Raven Tales: Raven Steals the Sun is the first episode of what will be an ongoing series of thirteen stories. Each story is based on aboriginal myth and features designs by internationally known artist/carver/storyteller Simon James.

“We are very happy to be short listed for these funds, not only because this money will allows us to really polish or work, but because the money came from a source that I consider the gold mark when it comes to funding media of any kind,” said Simon James.

In addition to the completion grant, Raven Tales is also the only computer animated entry currently in consideration for the inaugural All Roads Film Project Film Festival in Los Angeles and Washington D.C.

The aim of the All Roads Film Project is to provide indigenous filmmakers with opportunities to tell their stories in their own voices. The project is an exciting new forum for indigenous and minority-culture storytellers to bring their lives, experiences, and cultures to new audiences.

“I’ve always wanted to bring the stories of my ancestors into the 21st century,” said Simon James, “and computer animation gives me that opportunity. I want people to see that native talent does not have to be limited to traditional arts, but can keep pace with the latest in technological innovation.”

Simon James joined with award winning computer animation studio New Machine Studios to ensure that the quality of material he was looking for would be possible. Working as writer, director, art designer and animator gave him the opportunity to bring to the screen a world he had long imagined but found impossible to produce by traditional means.

Computer animation lets you create scenes that before could only exist in your mind. I’ve always believed that the mythic world of my ancestors was something truly magical, and for the first time I am seeing that world as I imagined it made real.”

Simon is joined by famous aboriginal actors Evan Adams (Smoke Signals) and Carmen Moore (Wolf Lake) as the voices of Raven and Frog respectively. In addition, talented new comers Ian Reid and Sheryl Rivers play Eagle and The Daughter in the 22 minute animated production.

Said Evan Adams: “It’s a joy to work for a production that not only features aboriginal stories, but is helmed by an aboriginal talent who understands all the nuances of our traditions and has the vision to bring them to life. Raven Tales is special because it’s not just our stories, but our sensibilities, our sense of comedy and fun and our visual sense that will all make it to the screen for the first time.”

Raven Tales is currently in the middle of production and will premiere to Canadian audiences in February, 2005. Simon James: “Visually people will be blown away with what we’ve been able to create. When I say we are making Pixar quality material, I mean it. Plus, you have 10,000 years of focused market research so you know the stories are great!”

If you’d like to know more about Raven Tales, including distribution, festival or licensing information, please call 604-990-9099 or e-mail us at Press information is available at 505-678-6403/505-526-2781 or

Visit the new Raven Tales website at

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