DVD Toons spins the new DVD release of Joe Dante’s Looney Tunes: Back In Action, and it seems as if the film is worthy of another chance on disc. “On speaking about the Spielberg/Zemeckis movie 1941, critic Pauline Kael wrote that it was ‘like spending two hours with your head stuck in a pinball machine’ – a quote that Zemeckis later used to describe Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I guess you could say the same thing about Dante’s film”, notes Ben. “It certainly lives up to its heritage: that of the throwaway, classic Looney Tunes attitude of pure abandon that’s been missing in big features of late. Without the elements all gelling together a little more consistently, I can see why this failed to win over big audiences, and you’ll either love it or hate it. However, there’s no denying that it’s certainly an exuberant 90-minute ride, and could quite easily leave a viewer exhausted!” Back In Action is in stores from March 3rd.