Jim Hill Media will spotlight the situation at Disney Feature Animation – Florida this week, and is hoping to “embarrass Mouse House management into backing down” from shuttering the studio. Today’s installment pulls no punches!

“And you know the real beauty part of this plan? Under this scenario, it’s just the artists that get fired. Whereas all of the allegedly creative VPs at Disney Feature Animation – the empty-headed executives who greenlit films before they were really ready to go into production, the useless suits who repeatedly ordered ridiculous story changes just to soothe their fragile egos, the pinheads who had absolutely no experience when it came to producing animated films but still wound up calling the shots anyway – they all get to keep their jobs.

Which means that – after all the traditional animators are let go – it’ll still be business as usual at Disney Feature Animation. So that we can now look forward to even more seriously flawed Disney animated films. Only – this time – they’ll be done in CG”.