First it was the battle of the bugs, then we got not one but two asteroids-heading-to-Earth flicks, two Latin-American set comedies, and a couple of mythical monsters in the running for the same Oscar prize. Now, following the fact that October’s SharkTale will try to swim into Nemo‘s waters, and that Disney is working on their own Madagascar-type tale, comes news from ‘MusicFan’ that DreamWorks have trademarked a new, as yet unheard of title: Rex Havoc And The Atomics. Could this be Katzenberg and co’s answer to The Incredibles, or possibly Brad Bird’s rumored next, Ray Gunn? It also seems DreamWorks has registered over 30 associated website names, including the slightly different Rex Havoc And The Atomic 8, in anticipation of the project.

The Studio seems to be on a development spree currently, with several other new webnames being snapped up before word gets out on their projects: recent registers include such titles as Giant Gingy and Mike Of Arabia, with DreamWorks also signing up various website domains in those names. Thanks go out to ‘MusicFan’ for the links, and if anyone has any more information on any of these projects, please let us know!