Springing from the Batman universe, Halle Berry is set to step into the Catwoman role in a film widely regarded as terrible even before it’s been released! Coming Soon presents the latest poster in the ever-changing campaign that Warner Brothers is desperately using to try and gain fan support, while the site also features the latest casting confirmations on King Kong, as well as Peter Jackson’s take on the story and the way he’ll be handling it.

Meanwhile, away from the DC universe, Dark Horzons posts some interesting news on upcoming Marvel movies. Look for Fantastic Four in 2005, X-Men 3 and Hulk 2 in 2006, and Spider-Man 3 and Captain America sometime in 2007. The site also announces a 05/15/2004 release for Steve Martin’s Pink Panther movie, 08/01/2004 for the aforementioned King Kong and the running length for Shrek 2, which clocks in at around 92 minutes.