The Animated News Forum has moved to a new home! The new address is We’d like to thank Jawad Mir for taking care of our old messageboard for the past year! He has done a great job with it. (You can see the archives here until it is eventually taken down.)

Due to the costs associated with running the old boards we have decided to move the forum to the Animated News server. We don’t want to do advertising on the site or ask for donations from our readers. By moving we will no longer have to worry about renewals or money since running a forum here would incur no extra costs.

We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause. Members will need to sign up at the new forums and we will lose the archives of the old forum. On the upside however is that we will be testing a new live chat feature! Please let us know of any bugs that may pop up as we start anew.

We hope you’ll all join us in thanking Jawad for his hospitality the past year! And be sure to check out his excellent website: DreamWorks SKG Fansite.