Year: 2003 – page 17

¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!: Speedy Gonzales Set for Guest Appearance

Toon Zone reports that everyone’s favorite fleet-footed Mexican mouse, Speedy Gonzales, will be making a guest appearance on the November 8 episode of ¡Mucha Lucha! on the Kids WB. Set your TiVos, because sometimes the only way you can catch Speedy is on slow-motion playback. No word yet on whether his cousin, Slowpoke Rodríguez, will […]

Back-to-Back Pirates Sequels?

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, the second film this year to gross $300 million in domestic box office, may earn a distinction that’s even more uncommon: back-to-back sequels shot in one simultaneous production. Recent successes which have followed the same format are Warner Bros.’ “Matrix” sequels and New Line’s “Lord […]

\\Fox and the Hound\\ sequel in the works?

An insider who has seen the storyboards in progress has let us know that a \\Fox and the Hound\\ midquel is currently in development at Disney. We’re told the story features some sort of circus that looks similar to the backgrounds from the apparently dead in the water \\Dumbo 2\\. There is also a new […]

More DVD news: Space Jam pushed back a week

Some loved it, some hated it, but Warner Brothers’ last attempt at putting the Looney Tunes on the big screen, which was supposed to hit disc today, has been pushed back to October 28th to coincide with the release of the classic Looney Tunes box sets. Space Jam, from 1996, has been issued on disc […]

Wartime Animation Special Event: Animation At War

Animation historian and writer Jerry Beck, whose {{link Cartoon Research}} continues to be a well respected and deep source of news and views on animated topics, writes on our {{link Forum Pages}} that he is hosting a special event at the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences tomorrow night which will include […]

Judge denies motion to stop release of \\George of the Jungle 2\\

A federal court has denied Caterpillar’s request to halt Disney’s release of \\George of the Jungle 2\\, calling their arguments “unpersuasive”. Caterpillar charged trademark infringement because of scenes in the movie where the villains drive their equipment. They also claimed their reputation would be tarnished because of the association.

\\Dilbert's\\ guest artists

Scott Adams, creator of the daily comic strip \\Dilbert\\, has invited five top cartoonists to draw and write the strip all this week. A further twist – the artists are not named so you can try to guess who did them! Check out {{link the strips}} all this week to play along.

Russia's \\Little Longnose\\ coming to America

Russia’s first theatrically released animated feature in forty years will be screened at the Chicago International Animation Festival (November 6-8) according to {{link The Big Cartoon Database}}. {{link Melnitsa Animation’s}} first full-length animated feature \\{{link Little Longnose}}\\ (\\Karlik Nos\\ in Russian) premiered in Russia in March 2003. BCDB contacted Melnitsa Animation about […]

2003 Disney Legends announced

{{link AWN}} reports that Disney has named it’s 2003 Disney Legends honorees, a recognition that began in 1987 to honor individuals for their “creativity and imagination”. This year’s honorees are: Tutti Camarata – Music; Edna Disney – Founder; Lillian Disney – Founder; Orlando Ferrante – Imagineering; Richard Fleischer – Film; Floyd Gottfredson – Publishing; […]

Don't Forget!

Although many may want to wipe this from their minds, today sees the release of {{link George Of The Jungle 2}} on DVD. Based on the Jay Ward characters from the animated series, though wth a whole new live-action cast (only John Cleese as the voice of the ape named Ape reprises his role […]

To Revise or not to Revise: Stan, Kyle and Cartman's Broadening Influence

Jim Hill Media updates with a new article on a recent South Park episode which decries the increasing tendency nowadays for filmmakers to re-release their movies with previously cut footage added back in or altogether new footage and suggests that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas decided not to do any such thing to the Indiana […]

1997 Kimba Movie Sees First US DVD Release

The news page at Kimba W. Lion’s Corner of the Web reports that the 1997 movie Jungle Emperor Leo will be released through AnimeWorks on DVD October 28 in the US. Watch it after watching your new Lion King DVD. Or before.

\\Brother Bear\\ on Monday Night Football

If you caught the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Oakland Raiders on October 20th then you saw the promo for the next Monday Night Football game featuring Rutt and Tuke from Disney’s Brother Bear. The two will be featured in the opening sequence of next week’s Monday night game featuring the Miami […]

British Censors Warn Disney and MGM

The Internet Movie Database reports, “The British Board of Film Classification has accused Disney’s overseas distribution company, Buena Vista International, and MGM of failing to include appropriate ratings notices and warnings about the content of their films in their advertising. The BBC said that in many cases the required warnings were either nonexistent or hardly […]

Box Office for Weekend of October 17-20

According to RottenTomatoes: #6. Good Boy!: 8.9 million, with 3,225 theaters #16. Pirates of the Caribbean: 0.7 million, with 493 theaters #18. Finding Nemo: 0.5 million, with 445 theaters

Disney's \\Legends of the Ring of Fire\\

The Disney Channel Asia website has a peek of 2 shorts from the series, ‘How Singapore Got Its Name‘ from Singapore and ‘The Magic Snail‘ from Korea. Legends of the Ring of Fire is a collection of 6 animated shorts from the rich tapestry of Asian Legends. The first short ‘How the Moon Came to […]

\\Treasure Planet\\ still gets no respect

\\Business 2.0\\, a monthly magazine owned by Time Inc., reports in their {{link,,52723,00.html current issue}} that “on November 5, \\The Matrix: Revolutions\\ will become the first Hollywood film to open simultaneously on both traditional and Imax screens”. Hold on there! Apparently Disney’s \\Treasure Planet\\ still gets no respect! According to {{link this story}} […]

Another Review of Brother Bear!

‘Blabbermouse’ has a mostly positive outlook on Ain’t It Cool News. “Technically and visually, the film is not to be knocked: lots of impressive camera moves, multiplane and in-depth effects that complement rather than overwhelm the hand-drawn animation. The color schemes are downright beautiful, with subtle shifts that evoke the time of day or emotion […]

Robert Evans Is Voice of Animated Comedy

“Robert Evans has been an actor, a studio executive, a producer, a husband (six times) and a pal to Hollywood rabble-rousers such as Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Roman Polanski. Now, at 73, he’s an animated cartoon. ‘Kid Notorious’ follows the adventures of ‘Kid’ Evans; his butler, English; his cat, Puss Puss; and his housekeeper-cook, […]

DVD news

Three DVD news items for you today! First, the much sought-after, but impossible to find \\{{link Frank & Ollie}}\\ DVD has been spotted for sale in the music store on Main Street in Disneyland! {{link Amazon}} has relisted the disk as being not available until November 18, 2003. Second, {{link}} has […]

Exploring the Reef – Finding Nemo pictures

Poor Jean-Michel Cousteau :( He just can’t get a break with the cast of Finding Nemo. While trying to make an under water documentary, Cousteau’s camera caught the eye of Dory and she just loves to have her picture taken. These screenshots don’t do the animation justice, but if you didn’t see it on ABC […]

\\Mary Poppins\\ musical to debut December 2004

{{link Variety}} reports that plans for the stage musical \\Mary Poppins\\ are firming up, and the show is on track for its premiere 14 months from now. Veteran broadway producer Cameron Mackintosh (\\Miss Saigon\\, \\Les Misérables\\, \\The Phantom of the Opera\\) and Thomas Schumacher, president of Disney Theatricals, plan to have the show in […]

Masterpiece Alice final DVD specs?

Though details and rumored specs for the 2-disc DVD re-issue of Disney’s Alice In Wonderland: The Masterpiece Edition have been floating around the web recently, {{link DVD File}} has listed the final specs for the disc over the weekend. Alice is due for release on January 27th with a suggested retail price of $29.95, […]

And now for some random 'toon trivia…

According to a guest column at Jim Hill Media, Stan Freberg did the voice of the beaver in Disney’s Lady and the Tramp. He almost had another part in a Disney animated feature. When Disney was making Alice in Wonderland, there was a segment about the dreaded Jabberwocky and Freberg was called in to do […]

Muppets are back and heading for Oz!

Animated-Movies always had a soft spot for those almost animated Muppets, and we’re no exception here at Animated-News. Now {{link Ain’t It Cool News}} reports that another Muppet movie is on the way! In keeping with previously adpated stories such as The Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island, Kermit and co are heading […]

Finding Nemo: 2-Disc Collector’s Edition

Pixar’s fishy fun comes to disc in a very enjoyable Disney DVD packed to the gills with something for everyone.

Looney Tunes – Back In Action web site is…. well BACK

So before Daffy gets his beak blown off again, go check out the site before it changes! Looney Tunes – Back In Action

Get Your Star Wars Fix: New Clone Wars Commercial

TheForce.Net has updated with a full clip of the new Clone Wars commercial showing on Cartoon Network, previewing the micro-series that will begin airing on November 7. Given that the biggest gap of time by far between any Star Wars episodes will be the gap between episodes 3 and 4, let’s hope we get another […]

Here's that first look at Disney's Home On The Range!

Following the review of Disney/Pixar’s latest collaboration Finding Nemo over at {{link DVD Toons}}, here’s a further look at the full trailer included on Disc Two of that set! These exclusive pictures, taken from the DVD, reveal the visuals in Disney’s last traditionally animated feature film, set for release next April, 2004. The animation […]

A first look at the \\Home on the Range\\ trailer

Animated News moderator ‘Ben’ describes the April 2004 film’s trailer, included on the upcoming \\Finding Nemo\\ DVD: “\\Home On The Range\\ looks like it absolutely re-captures the magic of the 1990s features, complete with Alan Menken’s music, irreverent comedy and stunning, 1950s styled animation similar to \\The Emperor’s New Groove\\.” \\**Stay tuned later today for […]