Ralph Bakshi’s 1992 animated/live-action fiasco Cool World is not due out on disc for a few days yet, but it’s started to get reviews online. DVD File says “Unlike Roger Rabbit’s benign and happy Toontown, Cool World is violent and sleazy. A little gratuitous sex and violence could have been entertaining, but Bakshi overloads most scenes with throw-away characters frenetically abusing one another. What a mess, and what a waste of talent, both in front of the camera and behind”. DVD Toons agrees, though is a little more lenient: “Cool World is like some kind of car wreck that demands you keep your eyes watching, even though you really know you shouldn’t stare. Throw enough color, music, gags, sound, skewed imagery and overblown weirdness at the screen and surely something will stick to hide the poor interaction, matte lines and plot holes. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work [and though] you want it to be better than it is – you really do – in the end, Cool World is just not cool at all”. The Paramount disc is due out November 11th.