According to some readers at Jim Hill’s website, a story we mentioned on our first day may not be true. On October 15, reported that some last minute changes were forced on the animators of Brother Bear by Disney executives. According to their report the “mountain that plays home to all of the animal characters in the film… was drawn by the Disney animators as a typical volcanic peak of British Columbia. But, through the sheer executive will of TDA (Team Disney Anaheim), the Disney Studio animators went back and edited all of the scenes in the film where the original mountain appeared. The mountain was completely redrawn and given a new look.” It was supposedly redrawn to look like Disney’s California Adventure’s ‘Grizzly Peak’. Ths was done “so that a DCA tie-in to the movie would be much easier to pull off in Anaheim”. However, according to reports at Jim Hill Media, there is no such ‘Grizzly Peak’-like mountain featured in the movie.