Could Roy Disney’s attack on Eisner actually keep the CEO and Chairman of the Walt Disney Company around even longer? Jim Hill Media reports that most of the members of the Disney Board had already come to the conclusion that “Michael Eisner’s top priority wasn’t running the Walt Disney Company anymore. But – rather – insuring his own survival”. So several members of the board reportedly met with Eisner and, after a lot of convincing and concessions, they “supposedly agreed to an exit strategy. Which would have allowed Disney’s CEO to step down gracefully in September of 2004. Which would have been the 20th anniversary of Eisner’s arrival at the Walt Disney Company. But now that Roy’s made his ‘Eisner Must Resign Now!’ effort public, Disney’s board members are concerned that – in order to save face with his friends in Hollywood – Michael may now decide to dig in his heels. Attempt to hang around for the full length of his contract with the Walt Disney Company. Which doesn’t actually expire ’til 2006”. Check out Jim’s story for the full account.