A Lego Batman Movie teaser trailer is apparently coming this week

by Dacey | March 21, 2016 2:44 pm

With the release of the extremely anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice happening this week, it appears that Batman fans are in for another treat as well: a teaser for The Lego Batman Movie. The first trailer has officially been classified[1], running about a minute and twenty seconds. Whether it will debut online or in theaters remains a question, but it seems like a certainty that the preview will be shown on the big screen with Batman V Superman on Friday. The Lego Batman Movie opens everywhere February 10th, 2017. (Thanks to “Seba” on Twitter for the head’s up!)


  1. classified: http://www.albertafilmratings.ca/recentclasstrailers.aspx

Source URL: https://animatedviews.com/2016/a-lego-batman-movie-teaser-trailer-is-apparently-coming-this-week/